Wednesday 22 June 2011

I'm sure glad I don't do "resolutions"

Remember this blog entry? Uh-huh. Yeah I'm sucking at my resolutions this year.

-I have yet to make a batch of chocolate chip cookies. NOT ONE. Isn't that horrible? I've bookmarked a few, but I haven't gotten around to making them. I'll blame this on moving continents.

-I'm still hopeful I'll get 12 knitted projects done. I think I have 3 or 4 finished. Yeah, we'll see....

-I've baked a good bit. Not loads, but more than the year before. I made Oz's birthday cake and that was pretty motherfucking impressive.

-Sex? What is this "sex" you speak of?

-I do read a good bit to Oz. I'm not really worried about that one.

-Combating the Slacktavism. I think I've done alright. I've donated bras, I've donated money for the earthquake in Japan and the tornadoes in Alabama. We've done a few other things but I can't think of them at the moment. Combating the slacktavism is hard, but I'm committed to trying to do more.

-I still spend WAY too much time on the internet. FAIL.

-...but my Blog is definitely happier these days.

-I don't know if I'll ever finish Sherlock Holmes. That's just negative, of course I will. I just don't think this is the year. Sorry, Sherlock!

So there ya go. It's halfway thru the year, perfect time to check in. Next time there will be updates about us living back in the states and getting ready for "THE BIG TRIP"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was just thinking I should do an update on my "Projects for 2011" post. HAHAHAHAHA. I'm not sure I've accomplished 1 of the 5(?) 6(?) I was going to work on.