Saturday, 20 August 2011

Learning our Lesson

Well, we did it again. Last night we were driving around until almost 1030 looking for a place to rest our weary heads. We should have gotten our first clue when all the campsites we rang up were booked up for the weekend. When we finally made it into Lancaster ("I guess we'll just get a hotel for the night...") Every. single. one. was booked up.

I asked a guy at the first hotel we looked at what was going on that it would be so busy. He didn't know. No one knew. The only thing anyone could figure was that it being the last weekend before school is back in, everyone has decided to try for one last summer fling. In Amish Country? Okay.

So we found a room at a hotel and paid way more than we wanted to. Sucks. I was able to soak my back in a hot bath for awhile. Why are hotel bath tubs so shallow? It's cruel. I could only soak for about 15 minutes.

Bizarrely, Ozzy sleeps better out in a tent then in a hotel. When we're camping he just settles down and goes straight to sleep. Last night he was beyond tired and didn't know if he wanted to play/sleep/cry/nurse and I finally just fell asleep and let Griff sort it. Oz was happy to just flick lights on and off for about 10 minutes and then settled to sleep.

We were going to go straight into Amish territory, but checkout is not until 12 and we figured letting Ozzy have one more good nap in a bed would be a good thing. SO there ya go...

I hate looking for a place to sleep at night. It puts me into a mild panic. I like to know my surroundings by daylight and at night it's just too disorienting. I'm sure this won't be the last time, but I hope it doesn't happen again for awhile.

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